Salvage Auto

Find and Fix Wrecked Motorcycles

finding and fixing wrecked motorcycles

Some people simply like repairing motorcycles more than they enjoy riding them. I myself am one of those people. I have been buying and repairing wrecked motorcycles for several years now. During that time I have found that working on a wrecked motorcycle is better for me than a new one. Once I came to that conclusion, the question I asked myself was:  read more

Purchasing Wrecked Motorcycles

purchasing wrecked motorcycles for sale

If you have ever seen wrecked motorcycles for sale you might have wondered who is buying them. There are actually several reasons why someone might buy a wrecked motorcycle. The first and most common reason is to fix it. A lot of times when you see wrecked motorcycles for sale you are seeing vehicles that can still be repaired and used normally. If the motorcycle is wrecked beyond repair it may still be used for parts. The thing about buying a wrecked motorcycle to consider is, what happened to it? Just because it is considered to be wrecked does not mean it is beyond repair. read more